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Dsc02271 Ellinghausen Grading

Our Phillosophy

Together We WILL Make a Difference

At Ellinghausen Grading, we hope to inspire others to get active in making a difference in their community too. There is something special that happens when we all take responsibility to get involved in improving where we live.

Community Partners

Causes Close to Our Heart

We pride ourselves on providing quality service that goes above and beyond expectations

Huguenot Volunteer Fire Station & Girl Scout Troop 3029

This project contributed bricks to build a monument honoring our amazing first responders in the 9/11 Attack in NY who sacrificed their lives to save so many others. So that we remember to say their names.

Powhatan Christmas Mother Program

A charity organization that provides gifts and meets the needs for community members experiencing financial hardship, especially during the Christmas season. 

Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Catholic School

Our team joined the demolition process and helped clear away debris in preparation for new additions and improvements to the school.

Proud Sponsor of Powhatan Leadership Institute

An initiative helping “enable residents of Powhatan to better lead and serve within our community” by introducing participants to Powhatan County’s current leaders, local businesses & community organizations and how those entities work together to ensure Powhatan continues to be a place we all can live and love and grow together.

Powhatan County Public Schools

Collaborating with local real estate companies in new school year materials and supplies collection. In addition, contributors of a new book vending machine presented at Pocahontas Elementary School’s 2023 Reading Night celebration; to encourage emerging readers and to continue fostering reading relationships with our county’s children–the next generation of community leaders.